Did you know that Kinamo has been around for more than 20 years this year?

Enter the birthday contest and win cool prizes.

We have something to celebrate!

We are blowing out more than 20 candles this year. To celebrate, we've set up a little contest!
Join us on a fun journey through our redesigned website, answer the questions and have a chance to win great prizes.

We are very proud of what we have accomplished and also enthusiastically look forward to the future where we will continue to work to provide you with the best service possible!

2024 ill 20 Years cta left

How can you win?

You will travel through our new website looking for the answer to 3 short questions.
If you answer all the questions correct, you will have a chance to win a fun prize!


We are giving away 5 free .be domain names for 1 year.
And 3 Kinamo fun packages.
These include a Kadonation gift certificate worth 50€, the Kinamo Dopper drinking bottle and Kinamo notebook, a portion of candy and a free .be domain name for 1 year.

2024 ill 20 Years cta right
2024 ill 20 Years challenge
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Vul hieronder uw gegevens in om deel te nemen aan onze spannende wedstrijd. We hebben deze informatie nodig om uw deelname te bevestigen en u op de hoogte te houden van uw status in de wedstrijd. Uw gegevens worden uiteraard vertrouwelijk behandeld.

Schrijf je in voor onze nieuwsbrief om verder op de hoogte gehouden te worden over onze services, acties en promoties.

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