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Published on 28 Nov 2023.

Happy Valentine's Day! Whether you're a fan of Valentine's Day or just get on with it, this is the way it is: on February 14, Valentine's Day is the topic of the day!

Beyond the commercial festivities, it's true that it's not a bad thing to love each other a little more. That's why, at Kinamo, we've jumped on the Valentine's Day communication wave for a while. That's how Kinamo, a hosting and development company, got involved in Valentine's Day.

Enough excuses for our cheesy Valentine's Day communications! 😉 That's right, we made Valentine's Day cards for you.

Maybe you're still looking for a card? Here, we'll help you get started. Did you know that our baseline, Kinamo, is your Uptime partner? With a little imagination, you can see how we're fulfilling that mission today with this Valentine's Day promotion.😉

A Valentine's gift for you

So here they are, our valentines, in Kinamo style. Below is a brief description of Kinamo's services. Can you guess which valentine is inspired by which Kinamo service? Send us an e-mail indicating which card is linked to which Kinamo service and you may receive a gift from us.


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